Regenerative Buiness; How to Align your Business with Nature for More Abundance, Fulfillment, and Impact.
What kind of impact could your business make if you integrated the most powerful systems on earth; THE SYSTEMS OF NATURE?
Since the Industrial Revolution much of human history has revolved around conquering Nature. But just as species have been hunted to extinction and forests have been leveled to create farmland and factories, the wildness inside you, too, has been suppressed.
You have been taught that your wildness is unsafe. Youʻve distanced yourself from the untamed parts of your soul: your creativity, your prolific ideas your truest life.
But to become the business owner you long to be, you need to unleash your wildness.
Regenerative Business creates fertile ground within you to unearth and express your soul purpose. It stewards a version of you thatʻs fully in bloom. It;s creative, healing, and intentional, and it births a better world for future generations.
This book will not only help you get in touch with your truest, unrestrained self. It will also help you to use the principles of Nature to realign your business with your unique essence for all the abundance, fulfillment, and impact you crave.
"Regenerative Business is a powerful guide for business owners and leaders who want to have a positive impact on the world. Using Natureʻs principles as the model, Samantha shows us how we can create alignment, balance, and harmony through the vehicle of our businesses."
- Amanda "Pua" Walsh, founder & CEO Astrology Hub
Author: Samantha Garcia of Lāhainā